The last year has be a tough year for our family. We started out the school year strong and loving every minute of it but then, life happened. Thankfully it happened while they were not required to be in school yet. It started with my father becoming very ill, and almost died. Then several friends, and family who were killed, died, or committed suicide. As well as other personal and very challenging things that came our way. I can't imagine going through life like I was not knowing that God was on my side, even though at times it didn't feel like it.
Our most recent challenge has been that of our newest mini-cooper. I found out we will be expecting mini-Cooper #4 this September. While this has been a fairly easy pregnancy so far besides the exhaustion, we are facing further testing for the possibility of Down Syndrome. I was told I have the risk of a 35 year old. The thought of having a baby with special needs up until today has always been so scary to me. I would never abort a baby because of a defect however knowing a baby with defects could need so much more attention and love, makes me question my ability to take care of such a special child. Already having three young children who are so close in age it is a constant pull of attention and always wanting to give each child special attention and love I've questioned if I'd be able to give a special needs baby the love and attention it would need. Until today when I received a call from my father. He assured me that this baby would be loved just as much by them and that God wouldn't give me a special needs baby if I wasn't a good mom and could take care of it. It felt really nice to hear my father, who raised me and loved me and guided me tell me that they knew I could tackle this challenge if it arose, and that I was a great parent.
So with that said tomorrow morning we will receive more testing on our baby Cooper #4. Positive or Negative God has a purpose for this baby, a destiny for this baby. All day today I just remind myself that this baby is Fearfully and WONDERFULLY made weather it's special needs or perfectly healthy. I praise God that I have one of the top OB's in the state to help me through this pregnancy, and that I will get whatever care I need to get me through this. Praising him in the storms have not been easy for me, just when you feel that your ready to stand again, the wind blows you down, however I know that God is the one keeping me from drowning. I know some of these tests can be false positives, and several women choose not to go through testing because of that however, my mentality of it is yes we will keep it no matter what, but I would like to be prepared for what we are up against. So lots of praying for good reports tomorrow.
So far as the girls schooling, this year has not been as structured as I had hoped because of life, but isn't that the most wonderful thing about homeschooling! The ability to be flexible and accommodate life. I have still been working with the older girls with small things here an there, writing and vocabulary words for A- my 4 year old and colors/shapes for S- my 2 year old. It has definitely taught me to be creative in order to teach my children on the go, or a few minutes a day when we don't have our normal school schedule in place.
I have been doing more research this year in preparation for A- next year 4 year old Kindergarten. I've been on the hunt for a good curriculum for us, so far I'm torn between Abeka, and Sonlight. I'm waiting till this June after the homeschooling convention to decide for sure.
In the mean time, this summer the girls and I are going to start a square foot garden out back, praying we will be able to get things to grow! We'll be planting and finishing building and getting the soil together this weekend.
Another huge change for A- is she will be starting soccer this year with Upward. We have our first practice this Friday and A- is So excited. I really hope she can excel at this and learn tons!!
Well time to sign off for now, keep us in your prayers and hearts!