So we started out our lesson today with the letter "I". I is for insect, igloo, itch, inch, and inch-worm. We colored our I books and cut them out.
Then we practiced tracing and writing the letter "I" and "i" and S~ Colored pictures while A~ finished her handwriting.
Then we did a review of all the letters we've covered so far. We played the game "touch the letter that starts the word....."
Then a few weeks ago we received our ants in the mail for our ant farm. We set up the farm by putting sand in the back of it. The sand was solid with no tunnels as you can see, then poured in the ants. We fed them two drops of water, and a little piece of fruit every 3 days. We had 50 worker ants. Over the course of 4 weeks or so they all gradually died, but they left us something amazing to remember them by.
So today as we learned about "Insects" we took a look at our ants. Even though they were all gone now, we learned about how hard ants worked and we took a look at all the tunnels they worked so hard to make in the sand. We learned that ants only live about 45-60 days, they have two stomaches: 1 for eating, and 1 for storing food to share with friends. Each colony of ants has a Queen and her job is to lay eggs. They use their antennae to touch, and smell things, and they can hold 20x their body weight.
Then we learned about the "insect predator" The Lady Bug. We learned that the lady bug eats harmful insects that destroy plants. So then we did a little bit of finger painting and made our own lady bugs!