Wednesday's are so hectic for us since my husband works for the church. So this week we slept in a bit, then A- had dance class in the afternoon, which she is LOVING! After dance class I ran by the bank and the baby got hungry so, I'm sure they appreciated me sitting in the bank parking lot nursing. Thanks to my handy nursing cover I got from my friend Stephanie at "Ooh Baby"
(check out her things they are amazing! So cute!) it makes it so much easier now days to nurse in public! Anyways, after that we met Papaw at McDonald's for lunch. The girls were SO excited, even E-! They all loved on him, then took turns feeding him fries which was so funny! They had a blast!! I think some of my favorite memories with my dad when I was a little girl was the times he would take me to McDonald's for lunch, just me & him. I remember when we lived in Ohio I was maybe 4 years old, he took me to the McDonald's over by the mall I even remember the exact booth we sat in. We talked about how I'm almost big enough to eat a big girl sandwich and maybe next time we came I could order a Big Mac. Then I remember walking up to one of the workers there asking them when Ronald McDonald comes in. It's so funny how exciting a simple trip to McDonald's is to a kid, not to mention how a simple memory like that one stays with you. I'm so thankful that my children are able to spend this time with my dad, and are able to have these precious times with him as children just like I did with him. My dad has always been so important to me! He has always been very supportive and encouraging to me. I thank God everyday that he is here to pour that same support and encouragement into my girls. He is definitely well loved by all of us!! You can totally tell by the pictures!
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