Today we started out with our 100 Chart, our Calendar, and then our devotion for the day; which I thought was a good one for the girls since we learned about obedience last week. It talked about how even when no one notices or is looking we should still always be good because God ALWAYS sees. We also talked about how when we are obedient/good, we are doing it for the glory of God, not just for Mom & Dad! (1Corinthians 10:31).
Our Character Quality we are working on for this week is having "deference" not being "RUDE"!

This week we learned that the letter "O" is for Otter, Olive, Ostridge, Ox, and October!

We also caught up on a few worksheets from last week we missed since we only had 2 days of school. A~ cut out these words, sounded them out, read them, then glued them to the correct picture. We also did our blend ladder today and A~ is doing fantastic! She read a few new words today like "Dad" & "Add"!!

Then we learned how amazing the "Octopus" is! We learned they had 8 arms, and 3 hearts, they also have suction cups on their arms and when they touch something they also taste it! We also decided that there is no way we could EVER make a REAL octopus, because they are so amazing! Even the Octopus praises the Lord by showing people how amazing God is that he could make something so awesome!! So we did our best to draw our own octopus by tracing our hands and turning them upside down. A~ added a few arms because she didn't have enough fingers to give hers 8 arms! It was a great day of school!!
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