Thursday, June 9, 2011

Our summer project: Collect for can help!

So I saw on a blog the other day about the "Focus on the Family, Clubhouse JR. Summer Challenge" I've been looking for a while for things that the girls could do for others as a service project but haven't ever really found anything that has worked for us. So after seeing this summer challenge I thought it was a great idea for the girls to get involved, experience what true poverty is like, and work hard to help someone else. I thought it was a chance to instill thankfulness, selflessness, and compassion into them.

So this summer we will be working hard to be able to send school supplies and small toys to the children in Kenya. I want the girls to have to work for this and not just be handed things so the way they will be earning money to buy these things will be 1. We are having a yard sale next weekend. They have gone through their toys and put what they don't want into bags, we will put them in a bucket and ask for donations for the toys for the kids in Kenya. 2. They will have opportunities to earn money from doing their daily chores around our home, and will be able to decide what out of their money they would like to use for the kids in Kenya. SO far I've been pleased with their attitudes and answers and how selfless they have been with this. And #3...YOU...They will happily come to your house for small chores (remember they are only 4 & 5 but are great helpers ;)), They will be taking donations if you want to just donate money, school supplies or NEW small toys. #3 Mommy will be helping a bit with this one, Since I have my home business of making hair bows...I will also designate 1 type of bow to sell where all the proceeds will go to the girls so they can send stuff to Kenya. Check out my facebook page.

We are super excited about helping the kids!! When I showed them the photos and explained to them about how most of them don't have parents and even some of them -no homes, S~ was quick to say "Well mom, they can come live with us!" lol, If only we could, I'd take every one of them!

If you are interested in helping them out this summer with their project or donating items please feel free to message me at Our deadline for sending the items is August 31, 2011.


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