The number of the day today was "2". We put up our 2nd apple, and wrote a 2 on our 100 chart. Then A~ did her number of the day worksheet.
A's~ Math worksheet today was again about patterns. She had to color a bit then cut out the squares and continue the pattern. She did great!!
While mommy worked with A~ on her math & phonics, Daddy was able to help S~ with her ABC's and doing her string patterns.
For phonics today we reviewed the letters "D,E, & F" and how to correctly print them. We also did an exercise for "A, B, & C" where mommy says the word "Apple" and A~ has to correctly write the first letter of the word on her page. She did fantastic!!
Then today we did day 2 of Creation. Genesis 1:6-8 "Then God Said, "Let there be something to divide the water in two." So God made the air and placed some of the water above the air and some below it. God named the air "sky". Evening passed and morning came. This was the second day."
So for day 1 we learned about scrolls, and how they used to store them in clay jars. Today we made our own miniature jar! The girls had a blast!!
We also learned about the book of Proverbs, how it was written mostly by King Solomon who lived a LONG time ago. Each week we will be memorizing a proverb because they will help us become wise. Proverbs are like valuable treasures!
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