We started off today with Math. We added the number 28 to our 100 chart. E~ likes to help count the sticks in the jar after the girls do it! She already can count to 5, just from following along with us!!

While A~ worked on her handwriting, S~ and mommy went over her ABC's. She is doing so much better, she went from only knowing 12 letters at the beginning of the year to now knowing 20! So to work on the other 6 that she hasn't gotten down yet, mommy pulled out the Word Whammer. I lined up the 6 letters and asked her to find the letter K...she would point to the one she thought it was and then checked herself by putting it in the Word Whammer. We did this several times with each letter.

Then S~ worked on tracing her name on a piece of paper.

While we were doing our busy work today, baby E~ was so patient waiting for us, so we sang a few of her favorite songs along with some others that we used to learn our words. We started with our ABC's, then our Sound song "A-a-apple, B-b-butterfly, C-c-Cow, D-d-Dinosaur etc..."(to the tune of twinkle twinkle little star) Then we did our Short Vowel Song (Mary had a little lamb tune) "I hear A in CAT & MAN, CAT & MAN, CAT & MAN, I hear A in CAT & MAN, A, A, A." The girls loved it!

Then it was "Dinosaur" Time!! Last night when I was out at Target I found some dinosaurs in the dollar bin and grabbed some. The girls were SO excited when I showed them to them. I took out one at a time and we named that dinosaur. Then we also talked about the movie "Land before time" that they watched yesterday and named the dinosaurs according to the names in the movie, "Little foot, Sharp tooth, Sarah, Petree & Spike"

Then we picked out a dinosaur from the ones on the table, and made our badge with our memory verse on it "BIG and Small God made them All!" And the girls drew a dinosaur on their page. We had a great time!!