The first thing we did today was to check out our little leaf "boss" from last week. He is looking kinda wimpy, not as green and turning brown! This is what happens when we stray from God, we need to stay in his Word and live and grow in Him.

Today we talked about the letter "N" and "NEST". We talked about where animals live and make their homes. We talked about how Cows live in Barnes, Bears live in caves, Turtles live in the sea but lay their eggs in the sand, and birds live in nests! We talked about the importance of a home and how homes are to keep us safe. God wants to keep us safe as well, he wants only the best for us!

It was kinda a short lesson today. We finished all of our curriculum in almost 45 minutes so mommy broke out the preschool and Kindergarten workbooks she got from walmart and we went at it! S- Colored the "N" pages and A- worked on her handwriting capitol N's and lowercase n's. We also did a little math, counting, opposites and more/less.
When we were done E- & S- went in the living room to watch an "Signing Time ABC's" video and I asked A- to stay behind for one of the most important lessons of her life!!.....

Yesterday daddy took A- (our 4 year old) to church just him and her. Mommy stayed behind with the babies and S-. On the way home from church A- said to daddy "Daddy do I have Jesus in my heart?" Daddy said "Have you asked Jesus into your heart?" A-said "No" daddy said, "do you want to?" and A-said "YES!"
When they got home he told me about the conversation and we decided we didn't want her to rush into a prayer and it mean nothing to her later, but that we wanted to make sure she completely understood everything this prayer is going to mean in her life. So today I pulled out some Abeka flash cards called "The salvation series" that I got from a lady here in town a few years ago. They are WONDERFUL! It talked about Heaven, what is not in heaven, like churches cause we can worship with God right there, and the sun because God is the light, and tears cause God wipes them away, and Sin.....

Then we talked about what is in heaven. Streets paved in gold, tree of life, angels, and best of all Jesus! Then we talked about Hell, and satan and how Jesus came to earth to die for our sins so we are able to go to heaven if we want to. How when we do something bad not only are we suppose to be punished by mommy & daddy but God too! And Jesus didn't want us to have to have God's punishment so he took it for us instead. We talked about how when we ask Jesus into our hearts he writes our name in the "Lambs book of life"

.....A- "But mommy I don't want Jesus to die!!"
Mommy "But A- Jesus is alive and waiting for us in heaven, as long as our names are in the "lambs book of life."
Then we talked about what it is to be a christian. How mommy & daddy are both Christians and how when we asked Jesus into our hearts we said a prayer that went something like "Dear Lord thank you that you died on the cross for our sins, thank you that you rose again. Please forgive us for our sins, come into our hearts and make us clean, in Jesus Name AMEN!"
A- "But mommy I want Jesus in my heart, I want to say that prayer!!"
So again tonight when daddy gets home we will sit with her and go over the story again and make sure she has a clear understanding before she makes her final decision. I'm so thrilled that her heart is sensitive to God! I think this day is even more emotional than her being in Kindergarten, because today she is able to make the most important life decision she will ever make!