So this morning after breakfast my husband and I sat down with A-. We pulled out the Salvation series Abeka flash cards again and when she saw them she shouted out "DADDY I WANT YOU TO PRAY FOR ME TO BECOME A CHRISTIAN!" lol....So we went through it again what it was about,we also explained to her that salvation is not just to keep from going to Hell but it's a life we have to live. We have to strive to be like Christ. Then A- said she wanted to pray! So We sat at our kitchen table and led our 4 year old in the sinners prayer. I had so many thoughts and emotions going through my head it was such an awesome moment especially for a mom! I've spent the last 4 years pouring God into that little girl and SHE GOT IT!!
Then we presented her with her very own bible! She has been going around all afternoon singing "I'm a Christian, Praise Christ the Lord." haha!
So after our exciting morning we started school at our new kitchen table! It's so much better and there is so much more room for everything! Today we drew 4 pictures of animals: Dog, bird, fish, and cow. Then we drew pictures of their homes: water, nest, house, and farm. And again we talked about how God keeps us safe! It was a challenging day the last few days with school this week. They haven't been very focused so hopefully next week will be better than this week!
Then A-worked on her handwriting on the letter "N". Then we worked on some character qualities. Today's quality is "Truthfulness" we talked about being truthful vs. being deceptive, and we read in A's new bible what God says about telling the truth.
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