Today we continued with the letter "L". A-worked on her handwriting while mommy and S- continued to work on recognizing the letters of the Alphabet.
Baby T- and Baby E- Joined us for school today! Baby T- just stayed with mommy and enjoyed listening to everyone sing songs. Baby E- sat in her high chair and joined us singing the ABC's and she loves doing flash cards to learn new words!
Then we read this book we got from the library about a leaf who turned colors and fell off the tree down to the ground....and after the book we went into the living room and found.....
LEAVES!!! All over the floor!!! Since the leaves outside haven't turned colors yet, mommy bought some fake leaves!! We got to throw them around, make piles of them and then....
We picked them all up and taped them to the front door for fall decorations!! Baby E- helped with that too!!
Then it was time to water our plant and check on our leaf that decided to be his own Boss yesterday and separate from the rest of the plant. He was thirsty today and looks like he is starting to lose his color and turn brown a bit. We talked about how WE can "Live and Grow in Jesus" by reading our bible, praying, and being obedient.
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