Today we learned about the letter "W" for Water. A~ practiced writing the letter "W" and "w" and the number "10".
While A~ did that mommy & S~ played the ABC game where she tells me what the letters are. Then the ones she still can't recognize we use the leapfrog for.
A~ did her English lesson, and was able to sound out and read all the words on her worksheet! Then I would say "Circle the word TOM, or underline the word DAD" and she would find the word that way.
Then we played the game "touch the letter that starts the word....November, wait, October" etc... This was to review the letters that we've already learned this school year.
So then we started our lesson on "WATER" I gave each of the girls 3 crackers and told them to eat up. I then made a huge cup of ice water of which I drank and talked about how good it was, then sat it in the middle of the table. I asked them if they were thirsty and told them that I had water for them, but they had to come over to me and ask me for it. One by one they both came over and I gave them a drink.
Then we talked about how they were so thirsty that they came to me and asked me for a drink and I gave them water. We talked about how everything living needs water. Without water it will die, just like the plant that we had a few lessons back. We've forgotten to water it and now it's dead! We talked about how the inside part of us, is called our spirit. When our spirit gets thirsty we have to go to Jesus and ask him for special water called "LIVING WATER"! Jesus will give our spirit what it needs to live if we ask him! So our body drinks water in order to live, but Jesus gives our spirit LIVING WATER!
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