We started today with some handwriting. A~ practiced her E's while S~ traced a bit in her pre-school book.
Then we learned about the saying "An Elephant never forgets" we talked about how we should never forget all the wonderful things that God has done for us! So thought long and hard about things that we've asked God to do for us and made a list of all the things that God did for us. A~ Remembered a time in the car when it was pouring down rain and she prayed that God would make it stop raining and He did! S~ Remembered a couple times that she had boo boo's and prayed that God would heal them and He did! A~ remembered the time when she prayed and asked God to put a baby in mommy's belly, and he did! S~ remembered the time when we lost our dog Sammy and we all prayed that God would let us find him, and papaw showed up at our door with him! And A~ Remembered how she kept having bad dreams and we prayed they would go away and they have!!
Then we had to pray and thank God for all these wonderful things he did for us! They both were very eager to pray as you can see!!
Then we learned about the Elephant, and how it is the biggest animal that walks the earth. They have big ears, but cannot hear very well, and little eyes and cannot see very well. The softest spot on their body is the backs of their ears, and they have tusks made from ivory.
And when we were all done for the day, A~ says "mom I want to do more school!" So I broke out our Hooked on Phonics that we bought last year and thought we'd give it a try! She loved it and already got through the first reading book all by herself! Hopefully we can keep it up the rest of the year and she will be reading books all by herself in no time!!
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