SHEW! So today was a rough day! I was up since 4am because A-decided to get up and I had to take care of that. My husband had to get out of bed and be at the church early this morning since our Fall Classes are going to be launched tomorrow, he had to put the booklet of all the classes together and print them off. So it's now 8:30pm and he is still there working on that! SO I loaded up the kids and the dog and went to visit my parents this morning hoping it would tire them out enough to take a good nap, so I can get one in too. Wishful thinking I guess, because A-REFUSED to take a nap!! I ended up falling asleep and while I was sleeping she climbed over her gate and went into the kitchen. She took the entire huge tub of pretzels into S's room and they were crunched up all over the floor and in her bed! Then I walked into the kitchen and she had gotten the milk out of the fridge and was trying to pour it into her cup, but there were milk puddles all over the floor. She also decided to poop on her bedroom floor! However they did go to bed at a good time tonight and didn't complain much. I guess I am going to have to get a hook and eye to put on the outside of the door to her room so that she will not get out and keep getting into things before we are awake. The other day she did the same thing and I'm just afraid for her safety.
My diet today has been hanging onto a thread. I started off well I ate a good breakfast, no lunch, and haven't had dinner yet. While I was preparing the girls PB sandwiches I did sneek in a bite of PB cause I was starving!! Hopefully my husband will bring me home a salad on his way tonight.

I am excited however I absolutely love the show 24!! My husband's friend had the first season on DVD and asked us if we've ever watched it before, then let us borrow it. At first I was like "Ummm YUCK, I don't want to watch that!" but when we started to watch it, we couldn't get enough!! We were up all weekend long watching these videos! However, when it airs on TV we can't watch it because it gets so intense I can't stand the wait till the next week to watch it, so we just wait till it comes out on DVD and got buy it. But this time I found season 7 at the Library!! So we will be up for a few days watching this season! :)

I also found these at the library and they have been AMAZING for my girls! We got the "Hands are not for Hitting", "Words are not for hurting", and today just got "Feet are not for kicking" and "Tails are not for pulling". So far my girls have been very receptive to these books, I might have to just go out and buy them since they have been so responsive. They are starting to realize what "mean" words do to people and each other, and are starting to realize that "hands" are for Loving, and hugging, not hitting each other"

They also have LOVED this book! When they first got this from the Library they thought little David was a monster, but they soon realized that he was just a rowdy and mean little boy who wanted his mommy's hugs at the end. It goes through tons of scenarios of how he gets into trouble by dragging mud in the house, not doing what mommy says, breaking things, getting into things and then at the end he has to go to time out and his mommy hugs him and tells him how much she still loves him! This has been really good for my girls as well and has helped them to have more of a conscience when they do things wrong. Highly Recommend this book, as well as the Behavior Series by Elizabeth Verdick!
It's so funny how when we think about teaching our children, it seems like this huge thing where we have to plan out these elaborate plans but honestly just sitting down with them and reading some really interesting books that teach them things about different subjects, behavior, manners, fall, winter, spring etc...is probably all you have to really do to get by with a little teaching each day and you will be so surprised at how much they take in from just 15 minutes with a few good books.