Friday, August 21, 2009

Lots of new things!!

So today is day 1 of my South Beach Diet. I had done it before right after *A* was born and lost 25lbs! So I'm praying that I can stick to it and eat healthier and get back down to a good size where I can finally feel comfortable being in pictures again. Ideally, I'd love to loose a good 50lbs, but I'd be happy with 25-30. I'm going to venture out there and eat some Salmon for dinner tonight, I'm not really a fish person but we'll see what happens. I was preparing dinner last night so that I didn't wake up today and not feel like cooking and say forget it, and the Salmon totally grossed me out!! It still had SKIN on it! YUCK! So hopefully I can not think of that this evening as I eat my dinner and maybe I'll actually enjoy it. I've never really been much of a fish person so we'll see.

I've also started today doing It's an amazing site!! It helps you get control of your home and keep it cleaned by getting you on a daily cleaning schedule and helping you stick to it! It all starts with shining your kitchen sink and keeping it cleaned, then they take you step by step over a 31 day period teaching you to keep control of your home. I'm so excited and hopefully this will work for me. I've never been much for cleaning, I've always hated it since I was small. My mom had the cleanest house and everything was always in place and I hated cleaning because we did it all the time!! When I got married I decided that spending time with my husband was more important than taking time to clean the house...however when I had kids it backfired on me and I spent more time trying to clean up the mess in the house than I spent with my children. So now I've learned a clean house means more time with my children, if I can keep up with things daily and get things down to a 20-30 minute cleaning time daily... I will have more time with my children to teach them and play with them.

So my read this week is "Redeeming Love" by Francine Rivers. AMAZING!! I started reading this book yesterday and am already half way finished! I couldn't put it down!! Aside from the main character being a harlot, this book is almost like my husband's and I's love story. I was married at a young age, and had saved myself for my husband and ended up divorced at a young age. When I met my husband now, I was so messed up for such a long time from my past that I couldn't accept that he actually loved me. I couldn't understand how someone like him could love someone like me who had already been "had" I guess would be the term. One day the Lord spoke to me and told me "you asked for him, and I gave him to you, now accept him before I take him away" After that was when I finally let go and accepted him...we got married and I've never been happier! Reading this book really brings back memories from how my husband had to break me down in order to soften my heart and reassure me he would never leave me. So this book has hit pretty close to home for me. I will be leading a Christian book Club at our church this fall and this will be our first read. Highly recommend this book!


  1. Good luck with the dieting! Personally I love fish so I would go good for the salmon.

    I may have to try the website myself! Since my house could use some good cleaning!

    And I totally agree as you already know that Redeeming Love is an amazing book!

  2. Im also not a fish person but love Tilapia. ANd the great thing with it is you can buy it frozen and in bulk and its seriously called the chicken of the sea... you can do anything to it and its yummy!!

    I have looked into the flylady before and her approach is great if you can stick to it!!
