This will be my first year on the homeschooling side of things. I'm really excited but nervous at the same time. We are down to 3 weeks till the first day of school and I've been planning, planning, planning! This year I'm planning to focus a lot on the Bible Lessons and also Reading/Writing with my oldest. A-is 3 years old and is pretty advanced, she already knows her ABC's, she can Count to 20, and knows all her colors and shapes. S-is my 2 year old, She hasn't had as much one on one time with me this year since I was pregnant with E- our 9 week old, so we will be teaching her the ABC's, Counting past 10, Shapes, and Colors.
I'm not using a formal curriculum this year since it is so expensive and ends up being mostly color pages. We will be working in the book called "Teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons" also we will be doing bible lessons out of "Jesus wants all of me" Devotional, as well as learning a letter, number, color, and shape Weekly. We also just went to Walmart and got a preschool book, that has been really amazing with my 3 year old learning pre-math concepts, and learning to write. We will most likely be using "Signing Time" Videos with my 2 year old, in order to effectively teach her like we did with my 3 year old. I'm so excited to be able to teach my children! I just pray that the Lord be with me and give me lots of patience, and help me to manage my time between schooling and keeping up with the many tasks around the house!
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