Sunday's are usually our day of much needed rest! We do what we can to insure that EVERYONE takes naps after church on Sunday. Church was really good today! The Pastor talked about how we need to stop seeking the approval of men, and seek the approval of God. So many people have things going on right now especially with finances and we just keep going through the motions of life instead of truly seeking the answers from the Lord. I have been guilty of this in the past. The last two months we have had one thing after another going on in our lives and God has really been laying it on my heart to SEEK HIM more! My strong point has never been a really good prayer life, I mean I pray I'll ask for help, I'll praise Him, I'll pray daily but to actually have a PRAYER TIME, where I sit down and take an hour or half hour and do nothing but seek the Lord in prayer, I've not really done. I really don't know why I haven't because I totally believe that Prayer is a HUGE part of my walk with God and that prayer sometimes is the only thing that works! I've been unable to sleep much recently and been waking up at 4am quite often. I've been taking that time and using it to seek after God in my devotionals but not prayer. Once I start homeschooling the girls I'd love to teach them how to do this as part of their bible lesson. Maybe have a quiet time and start with just 1 minute and keep moving the time back more and more, this way it will help them to never struggle with prayer as I have because it is such a huge part of their lives.

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