This week we are talking about "The Moon". We had a time last week talking about the "Sun" since it rained 2 out of the three days we learned about it. So two days last week we didn't get to finish our "Sun" projects so I combined it with our "Moon" lesson today which worked out GREAT!!
First we took the globe and found where we lived. Then we used a flashlight as the sun and talked about how the sun does not stay in one spot all day long. When the sun goes down in the evening it means it's shining someplace else on the world.
Then we took a little white ball and that was our "Moon" we talked about how if there was NO sun, then the moon would not have a "light" of it's own. We took the flashlight and shined it on the white ball and watched the globe below light up (just a little) from the reflection of light.

Then we went into the bathroom and turned out all the lights and looked into the mirror. We talked about how the mirror does not have a light just like the moon, but when mommy shines the flashlight into the mirror it reflects back on our faces, just like the moon does to the earth.
Then we talked about how Jesus is the Sun, and we are the moon. When Jesus shines his light on us we can shine our light so the whole world can see! When we spend time with Jesus, we can invite him into our hearts so we can have light too because "Jesus (I AM) Is the light of the world."

At the end of our "Moon/Sun" lesson today Daddy gave the girls a special surprise! This weekend we got the new Veggie Tale DVD "Sweatpea Princess" and we also got the girls a special Sweatpea watch with it that Daddy gave them after our lesson today. He talked about how our watches tells us where the sun is at! We also showed them that 12:00 means the sun is straight up above us!

We also did our 100 chart and counted how many sticks we have in our jar! S- did great today with counting and tracing the numbers on her calendar!!

Then we learned about the letter "M" by making a "M" booklet, talking about what sound it makes and how "M IS FOR MOON" We also did our Math rods and made the letter "M" and counted how many rods it took to make the letter and what colors we used.
We had a wonderful lesson today and I'm looking forward to the rest of the week learning more about the "Moon" and how we can "reflect" Jesus!