We started our day out today with our 100 chart. We are going to count 100 days of school starting today. Each day we will put 1 Popsicle stick or straw in our jar, each time we get to 10 we will put a rubber band around them and put them in a box (to learn to count by 10's). Then we write the number of the day on our 100 chart today was day 1, tomorrow will be day 2 etc until we get up to day 100. On day 100 we will celebrate!! Not only did we learn to count to 100, but we also learned to count by 10's!
Then we went onto our August Calendar. For this we write the day in each square every day and then for the month of August we will be working on "Colors" so each day they will color in the square for that day with the color I tell them.
My poor little S- gets so frustrated sometimes and is always saying "I CAN'T DO IT!" So we got the book "the little engine that could" from the library this week and anytime she starts saying that we all start saying "I think I can, I think I can" until she does it, then we all praise her! She LOVES it! She has even started saying it herself without prompting when she gets frustrated!
Today we talked about the Letter "S" We did our Rods (math) and built an S with two colors then found all the light green rods and put on top. Then we counted how many light green rods it took to cover the entire S!
We colored our "S Book" and cut them out and learned that "S is for Snake, Skunk, Spoon, Shirt, etc..."
And at last we learned about the "SUN" we talked about how the sun is actually a star and it looks so big cause it's so much closer to us than the other stars. We put a blind fold on and tried walking in the darkness in the living room, but kept running into things! We learned it's so much easier to walk in the sunlight and when we can see. We also learned that "Jesus is also the light of the world" and by walking with Jesus he helps us not to fall and stumble in the darkness! And we will be memorizing this week that "Jesus is the light of the world"
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