So the great thing about homeschooling is the fact that when we have a lot to do one week we can have a few days of school and then finish the rest the next week! Last week was such a busy week for us, not to mention everyone was sick and not feeling well so we did 2 days of school last week and we're finishing up the rest of the lesson this week.
We started today with our devotion and prayer. I love this book it's a children's version of "My utmost for his highest" by Oswald Chambers. Today was a great one it was talking about "Love" which turns out to be our character quality for this week as well! We talked about how we need to Love what God loves, and hate what God hates. And we need to love unconditionally!
We learned about Love vs. Selfishness. We played a little game so they understood what Selfish meant. I would say "A or S-, GIVE ME THAT PURPLE CRAYON!!" and then I'd take it out of their hand and ask..."was that selfish or loving?" Then I'd say "A or S-, may I use your purple crayon?" and ask if that was selfish or loving?
Then I let the girls try to respond back to me in selfish ways and in loving ways. Poor S- had a hard time being selfish to mommy, haha.. Everytime I asked her if I could use her purple crayon she would say "SURE!" FINALLY she said..."SURE..I MEAN NO!" haha! It was fun!
Then we worked on our blending ladder with A-. Mommy would say the word "Sat" and ask her to look at the ladder and tell me what letter sound was in the MIDDLE of the word "SAT" once she figured that out she then was able to tell me the first and last letters. Then wrote them on her page.
Then we wrote our quote on a piece of paper and decorated it! We had a very good day of school!
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