Every morning we wake up and get dressed but I've noticed recently that I've never talked with the girls about how to sit in a dress so that they don't show their panties. So this morning like all the other mornings we did "Circle time" where we all sit on the kitchen floor together. We talked about how to sit on the floor in a dress so I can't see their panties. We talked about how panties are private and we don't show other people our panties. Such a funny thing to talk about in school but very necessary!!
So in our "circle time" every morning we do a little saying with hand motions that I remember doing when I was in Kindergarten every morning. It goes "These are grandma's glasses and this is grandma's hat, this is the way she folds her hands and sits like that, these are grandpa's glasses, these are grandpa's hat, this is the way he folds his arms and sits like that!" Then we say 'straight and tall right hand on our heart eyes on the Christian flag' and we say our pledge to the Christian flag, American Flag, & the Bible. We talk about the days of the week, what day today is, and we open up the blind on the window and look at the weather outside and say if it's sunny, cloudy, rainy, or windy.
Last week we learned the verse 1Peter 5:7 "God Cares about you..." the week before it was John 1:3 "All things were made by him..." both girls have memorized last week's verse and still remember the verse from the week before!! So today we wrote out 1 Peter 5:7 and the girls were able to put it in their hearts. We also learned a new verse for this week Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning, God Created the heavens & the Earth...."
We've slowed down the last two weeks on school, I started off doing it every day, A-is a very strong willed child who has to have structure in her life daily. I've had a hard time doing school daily and I know that most of the time for preschool they only do 2-3 days per week, but in order to structure their day I decided to do it every day. However with us doing that it will cut out any play dates we can attend, or other activities we can do. So this week we are going to try doing school 3 days Monday, Tuesday, & Thursday. Then Wed we have A's dance class and church that evening, and Friday will be left open for play dates and field trips. This way I don't feel so bad about missing a day or two during the week and their days are still structured.